Welcome to SM Planning LLC
I am Sam the Life Insurance Agent, my mission is to help YOU understand how to build a Financial Foundation with 4 easy steps
1. Budgeting
2. Savings & Debt Repayment strategies
3. How to build & maintain a Good Credit score
4. Risk management through
Life & Disability insurance
SM Planning LLC helps to educate our clients on the importance of financial planning.
We work with people from all walks of life, helping them create a plan that is specific to their goals. Because financial planning is not a one size fits all, our individual plans are specifically created around the individual needs.

Our Services
Creating a Tailored Budget
To help you maximize your spending power
Proper Saving and Debt Strategies
To help you strategically plan out your goals
Credit Coaching
To teach you how to build & maintain your credit
Retirement Planning and Education Planning
Life Insurance/ Disability Insurance
"My Generation Will Help Close The Wealth Gap"
SM Planning LLC
Meet Sam
A Financial Coach that makes planning simple

Shakira "Sam" Moran, founder of SM Planning LLC, a financial education program that works with schools and churches, helping them to manage their finances to build a solid financial foundation, through virtual and in person workshops.
Sam began her journey as a Life Insurance Agent, but noticed that clients needed help with the basics in finances. This led her to study to became a Certified Financial Planner, so that she can help people understand all areas of financial planning.
Author, of Amazon bestseller "The 4-Step Guide to Building your Financial Foundation" Sam is on a mission to help educate and empower those within her community on the importance of financial planning.

The Journey Towards Financial Wholeness
Begins with a
Let’s Have a Conversation
1 hr
25 US dollars45 min
1 hr